IMG 2041


FESFO is an organization representing approximately 25,000 francophone youth who attend one of Ontario’s french secondary schools from grades 9 to 12.

FESFO is the voice of Franco-Ontarian students

To help advance political issues, exchanges and collaborations are necessary. Every year, during our Annual General Assembly (AGM), students from Franco-Ontarian high schools come together to guide the work and positions of the organization, and learn how to become more involved with FESFO.

In order to properly represent the voice of Franco-Ontarian students and be an accurate political educator, FESFO creates a wide network of connections. This ensures that francophone students are listened to and considered by political leaders.

FESFO is an organization BY and FOR young francophones in Ontario.

The organization has a double mission:

  • Representing and advocating for youth’s needs and interests;
  • Rallying youth through rewarding experiences and events, allowing them to grow and thrive in French.

Download our strategic plan (in French)
A7 R07979

Our Values

FESFO follows values that guide its actions and interventions:


Offer students the opportunity to live their francophonie in its full diversity, everywhere in Ontario.


Ensure that everyone can fully participate in our events, regardless of differences, location and financial status.


Create environments where our members feel good, allowing them to step outside their comfort zones in a safe space.


Encourage the integration and development of every student by working together towards common goals.

FESFO allows students to:

  • Discover their personality;

  • Understand the role they have to play in their environment in order to better identify, assess, and improve it;

  • Live positive and fulfilling experiences in French with other students in order to be more open to the world that surrounds them;

  • Find their place as francophones in their communities;

  • Assert themselves as Franco-Ontarians so they can take a stand by making affirming gestures as francophones.


FESFO’s basic principles

In order to ensure all of its activities and meetings run properly, FESFO proposes 6 basic principles:

« Je » (« I »)

It is important to speak for yourself rather than on behalf of others because it’s impossible to know precisely what others around you are thinking. This principle is used to ensure honest communication and avoid misunderstandings.

Active listening

Active listening is more constructive than passive listening – it requires signs of feedback to ensure that the person speaking knows that the message is understood.

French and LSQ

FESFO creates an environment that allows students to experience French and LSQ (Quebec sign language) as a dynamic, fun and engaging language.

Responsible for your own learning

At the base of all of FESFO’s activities are commitment and voluntary participation. It is up to each person to learn with the means and tools that are offered to them.


There are many levels to this principle : respect for yourself, respect for others, for the environment, for the location of the activity, for the rules and principles, etc.


By meeting people from different backgrounds, you sometimes come across different ideas or new points of view. This is why being open-minded is necessary to create an accepting climate that favours exchanges.


FESFO History


FESFO is created by Franco-Ontarian students who want to ensure that they can actively participate in the development of their community.

Contact Us


Phone: 613-260-8055

Address: 435 Donald street, unit 207, Ottawa, ON, K1K 4X5
